Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Bear with me....

As I am writing this, the kids are in the tub and I am sitting on the bathroom floor with my 'best friend forever' (my laptop) sitting on my lap.  This has been a familiar scene lately.  I have been buried!  It might sound crazy coming from a stay-at-home-mom, with just a little side job that I pick up every once in a while, but it is the truth!  Business has really picked up in the past couple months, which is good because I have been working to take it 'to the next level', but because of this, things have been a little crazy.  I have been working hard to balance being a  good mom, a good wife and a competent entrepreneur...not always successfully, but I am trying.  A few long nights and a lot of patience (on everyone's part) has helped quite a bit.

Just a quick summary of this week so far:
- Enjoying the beautiful weather!!  We love it and have already taken many walks to the park (the Chicago park district finished building a new playground last fall just one block was MUCH needed and we love it!)  Tomorrow we are planning a picnic there if it is still nice.
- Today we all wore green, had green shamrock pancakes for breakfast (the kids loved these!) and green bagels and grapes for lunch (I know, total carb overload).  We used green plates and cups all day and Noah pointed out everything green he saw for the first couple hours of the day.  Happy St. Patrick's Day!
- Printing, Packaging, Printing, Packaging, Printing, Packaging.  I was accepted to be a vendor at a craft show in Frankfort, Illinois this weekend and have been working diligently to prepare...on top of the 7 customer orders I also have right now...complete craziness, but I love it!  (I am soo thanking my lucky stars for having project management experience from my previous corporate a systems crazy does that sound now!)

Anyway, so I am hoping next week I will have a little more time to catch up on the details that have been going on here for the past couple weeks!  We have also been busy with birthdays, milestones, etc and I want to make sure I 'record' those memories!

Thank you for bearing with me while I strive to 'keep it together!' ...and wish me luck at the fair!

1 comment:

The Blissfully Happy Housewife said...

Thinking of you!!! You are doing a great job!!!