Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Chicago Sunday

After having a big cookout for our neighbors on Saturday (where Jon made DELICIOUS ribs!), we had a low-key family day on Sunday.  It was a beautiful day so we went to the park by the lake (near Montrose Beach) to play a little baseball and pick a few dandelions.  I soo enjoy days like this!

Millie picking flowers for her mommy.

I just love those little hands!!

Noah practicing his swing.

Millie trying to help out...
It is quite a chore to keep her away from the batter's box
and to make sure Noah doesn't swing when she is too close!

Someone wants to be like her brother!

Bowman taking a breather in between fetches.

After the excitement of our ball game,
we all laid in the grass for a little rest before heading back home for lunch.

Indulging in one of our favorites...a banana split from Margie's Candies!
(okay, so this wasn't on Sunday, it was on Monday, but I wanted to post it because I love the pic of us three demolishing that sundae...wait, I guess it is a Sundae after all!

1 comment:

Julie said...

That picture of the three of you at the end is adorable!!! So sweet! :)